We had rented the only boat on the lake, and arrived at lunchtime, so I could spend the whole afternoon rowing Mike about the 33 acres (being an old duffer, hes got a dodgy shoulder...)
We tried all sorts (fresh and sea deads and lots of lures) but to no avail, and truth be told we didn't feel 'in the zone' or particularly zen in our approach. It just wasn't a 'fishy' day - know what I mean? Sometimes you just don't feel in the groove.
After blanking all afternoon, and losing 4 dead baits to just flinging off on the cast, we ended up rowing back to the 'mooring' - a shallow gravely bit and a tree :-)
As we had about 45 min of light left, we dropped the anchor about 10feet off shore, and just lobbed our dead boats in the margins to either side of us.
We sat there just before dusk not talking, and just listening to the bird life settle.
I think what made the diff here was that we were very quiet, and didn't move about. I dozed off lying across the seat, and we had occasional chats in whispers.
Then Mikes bite runner ran off at a good steady pace, very clearly a fish and not the boat gently swinging against the rope in the breeze.
A very short fight, and one good solid splash later, and I was brave enough to reach down my (gloved) hand and get a finger under the gill flap, and look like I knew what I was doing as I lifted it into the boat and down onto the waiting mat.
It was very cool to have caught on a lake that is known to be very hard to catch on.
It fell to a dead roach, and weighed 9lb exactly (though it looks a lot bigger) and had teeth I wont forget in a hurry.
We continued to fish until there was just enough light left to punt back to bank, but had no other action.

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