Working part time as he does (mumble mumble bloody part timers..mumble mumble), Mike sometimes has the chance to fish on weekdays.
He did this last week, and had a rather cracking day.
Here's his story....
An Interesting quick trip to Our little Pond
Wednesday is a half day at work and the warm sunshine provoked a craven desire to fish . No fuss grab the holdall, bait bucket and trolly bag. 2.45 arrive at pond.
A brisk summer breeze was blowing straight up the lake. Tony, a fellow angler, was set up on the dam wall sheltered from the wind and was just in the process of landing a 10lb mirror. After exchanging pleasantries I headed up to the oak tree and settled to fish with the wind over my shoulder.
Small amounts of pellet and sweetcorn were placed in a couple of spots in the margin to my left. A simple lightweight rig presenting 2 grains of real corn on a size 12 was lowered into place.
I settled into float fishing about 6m out in just over 2m of water. Corn and pellet alternating as hook baits small amounts of pellet and corn being catapulted in a tight zone around the float ever 5 minutes.
First fish, a skimmer to the float, then a classic screamer announced the arrival of a 9lb mirror carp to the ledger rod
The session continued with 5 more bream [slimy bloody things - mark] to the float rig and a fine pair of tench of 3lb 8oz and 4lb 2oz to the ledger.
At 6.30 I decide to try my favourite big roach bait on the float rig. A cut down boillie to the shape of a pellet. Seconds later a 12oz tench fell to it - a very good sign the tench are breeding well.
Four minutes later the float slipped away and I struck into what I first thought was a tench but the unmistakable dink dink fight and the size of the bend in the rod started the adrenaline flowing.
In the net was the most special fish I have caught in recent times. Perfect and in no sense a hybrid. Weighed once, weighed again, witnessed and photographed by Tony.

A 2lb 4oz roach. A fabulous specimen for this part of the world.
Exactly the same as The Newton Abbot Fishing Association record that has stood since 1978.
One more fine tench of 4lb 2oz closed the days catch and at 7.30 (possibly responding to a sharp drop in temperature) the bites dried up and it was time to retreat home.
It had been the finest spontaneous session in many many years and a true expression of the term “seize the day “ and to that maybe a reminder of a simple fact you can plan all you like but you cant beat being in the right place and following instinct.
Thanks Mike :-)
He did this last week, and had a rather cracking day.
Here's his story....
An Interesting quick trip to Our little Pond
Wednesday is a half day at work and the warm sunshine provoked a craven desire to fish . No fuss grab the holdall, bait bucket and trolly bag. 2.45 arrive at pond.
A brisk summer breeze was blowing straight up the lake. Tony, a fellow angler, was set up on the dam wall sheltered from the wind and was just in the process of landing a 10lb mirror. After exchanging pleasantries I headed up to the oak tree and settled to fish with the wind over my shoulder.
Small amounts of pellet and sweetcorn were placed in a couple of spots in the margin to my left. A simple lightweight rig presenting 2 grains of real corn on a size 12 was lowered into place.
I settled into float fishing about 6m out in just over 2m of water. Corn and pellet alternating as hook baits small amounts of pellet and corn being catapulted in a tight zone around the float ever 5 minutes.
First fish, a skimmer to the float, then a classic screamer announced the arrival of a 9lb mirror carp to the ledger rod
The session continued with 5 more bream [slimy bloody things - mark] to the float rig and a fine pair of tench of 3lb 8oz and 4lb 2oz to the ledger.
At 6.30 I decide to try my favourite big roach bait on the float rig. A cut down boillie to the shape of a pellet. Seconds later a 12oz tench fell to it - a very good sign the tench are breeding well.
Four minutes later the float slipped away and I struck into what I first thought was a tench but the unmistakable dink dink fight and the size of the bend in the rod started the adrenaline flowing.
In the net was the most special fish I have caught in recent times. Perfect and in no sense a hybrid. Weighed once, weighed again, witnessed and photographed by Tony.

A 2lb 4oz roach. A fabulous specimen for this part of the world.
Exactly the same as The Newton Abbot Fishing Association record that has stood since 1978.
One more fine tench of 4lb 2oz closed the days catch and at 7.30 (possibly responding to a sharp drop in temperature) the bites dried up and it was time to retreat home.
It had been the finest spontaneous session in many many years and a true expression of the term “seize the day “ and to that maybe a reminder of a simple fact you can plan all you like but you cant beat being in the right place and following instinct.
Thanks Mike :-)
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