Our local pond. It was wet and very grey, but we set up at 3pm, in warmish air and high humidity, which as usual makes me hot, sweaty and grumpy.
This time we were more careful about bait choice and its combinations.
An 8mml natural flavour boillie over a handful of our small particle / pellet mix went into the margin at a little distance so as to be undisturbed.
Our other ledger rods were set up with a small flatbed feeder. The idea being that these rods were to be lobbed out to various experimental spots, to see if we could locate any groups of fish. This way we gave a small amount of high attract ground bait on the spot, without bunging out handfuls of feed all over the place. Also, the different spots and ground bait attack was a different approach from the pellet and static margin rod. The feeder had a super sweet red ground bait mix, and a dipped pineapple or strawberry 8mm boillie.
We had a good feeling about the day, so set up the keepnet to see what our efforts were like at the end.......The approach worked wonders.
We had x6 carp to 9lb, and x4 bream to about 2lb. Both of which are good fish for our pond.
We also had a very nice haul of x6 Tench of about 3lb, with a new PB for me of 5lb 6oz, and x5 Roach, x3 of them over the 1lb mark and one of 1lb 8oz.

The Tench and Roach were keepnetted for a piccy at the end, but one or two were flapping about, so the piccy doesn't have them all in, as we only wanted to take a few seconds on the picture before putting them all back.

All in all, probably the best day of general fishing we've ever had on our puddle, apart from the endless rain, and packing up in the wet :-)
Out of interest, the Air temperature was 15C, dropping to 14C in the eve, but the Water temp was 19C, only barely dropping to 18C in the evening. I'm sure the overcast conditions and water being several degrees higher than the air temp made a huge difference, alongside the fact that we were alone on the pond and kept back and quiet.
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