Actually, it was very sunny and bloody freezing.
Armed with some new paste baits I made earlier in the week to test out, Mike and me headed to our local pond.
Arriving at about 2pm, we quickly set up, rigging for roach and tench. Within 30 minutes I had two storming runs and ended up with two carp of about 8 or 9lb each. As I was after tench and Roach I didnt bother with photos. Are we becoming 'blaze' to these fish now?
The afternoon was cold but very pleasent, and peaceful too with the lake to ourselves.
Later in the day, Mike had two carp as well, also both about 9lb.
So where were the Roach? If the Carp were feeding, the Roach should be surely?
The paste baits had the right feel to them, and were traditionally flavoured, but no Roach appeared.
By the end of the day, the light fading and the landing net being frozen to the grass told us it was game over.
So, 4 Carp, no Roach, and certainly no tench. Why was I hoping for tench in this cold weather? Well, a friend fished in the same place last week (hi Karl :-) and he bagged 3 tench, so we kept an open mind.
Was it the paste baits not working? The jury is out on that one, because maybe we just werent in the right swim, and were lucky with the Carp.
But I just cant shake the feeling that if the Carp were feeding, why the hell didnt we catch Roach?
It would appear on the surface of it (excuse the punn) that its the paste, but using a tried and proven recipe, I dont think it was.
I guess we'll never know, but the paste is going to get another proper testing, in less testing conditions.
Oh, on another note, I did bung out a double maggie for a trial run, and caught this thing on the edge of our baited area. We thought it was a big Roach, but we cant help but feel its another hybrid, and it looks rather 'Breamy' too, but was very silver (unlike in the picture), with 'Roachy' fins, but not as red as we thought they should be. What you think ?
1lb 12oz thingy...
After a good day in the sun drinking tea, a Cornish sunset made the day :-)